About the Names!
I suppose I should explain what everything is individually.1. Twisted Monx
* Twisted Monx is an imaginary company I created back in 1999 to handle all of my fan comics I made in school on my own. I've stuck by the name since.
2. Milk Bowl 54
* In 2002 I created a Geocities site to handle a fan comic about Nintendo�'s Super Smash Bros. video game series if it were to be turned into an 8-bit series called SUPER SMASH BROS. ZERO. The site kinda died before I even got to the third comic because I was more occupied with character profiles than the comic. Since then, Xellos (from the anime SLAYERS) has been my little mascot. Why? Now, THAT'S a secret...
3. Ingenius Milk
* My current persona in a long, growing list.
4. The Unrealistic Pair of Pants
* Actually, this is nothing more than a subtitle. I wanted a new, original subtitle for Milk Bowl 54's come back that nobody will notice.
About the Sections!
As of Jan. 27, 2004, this site has 6 sections (not including the Main page, this page and Old News). Let's check them out.a. Articles
* This is filled with articles that I feel like writing for the simple hell of it. A majority will probably be video game related, so you know. They will be based purely on my opinions on a matter, so feel free NOT to argue with me.
b. The Pantry
* More or less an online version of something I did in 2000-2001 called "The Pantry" which was a list of random sayings that all had something to do with something... or nothing. This new version will allow me more room to be a dumbass and more space. More of a fake astrology-type thing than just a word of advice.
c. A Random Hole
* This is filled with completely random stuff. Nothing here will have any significance to anything.
d. Video Games
* Video game reviews. That's all this is.
e. Comics
* If I get around to it, I will put up a new comic every week. If I fall behind, I will resort to Movie Reviews, which will be completely biased and suck. Yeah, so you better hope I make the crappy comics.
f. Cookies
* I have no idea what this is.
About Me!
- Welcome to me! Here's my crap:
Name: Ingenius Milk
Age: Unknown
Gender: Genderless
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'11" maybe
Weight: 160-something
Hobby: Video games
Marital Status: Girlfriend [8 months]
Pants: Reverse
Undergarments: Boxers
Music: Blink 182, Korn, Orgy, The Pillows, Jimmy Eat World
Other Stuff: I am a Zelda Fanboy and a Resident Evil fanboy. I grew up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and have been drawing comics since as early as around 3 or 4 (which I learned from my mom). I love my girlfriend and my friends and wish everyone I know a good year. I am currently working on several comics and have a couple movies in the planning stages. I like anime, and personal favorites are: serial experiments lain, TRIGUN, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Boogiepop Phantom, The Big O!, Tenchi Muyo! and The Ping Pong Club. Yeah... I'm a loser.
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