[]{Tuesday, January 27, 2004; 8:03 PM}
- My lengthy review for Sonic Heroes has been added as well as the "Video Game Reviews" page. Expect more to follow.

[]{Tuesday, January 27, 2004; 2:32 PM}
- The Pantry has been added (actually last night, but I didn't get a chance to post again) and I uploaded this page (as well as the About page and some others) up to Fortunecity. I should have other pages up later today and maybe some articles or something. Check back later.

[]{Monday, January 26, 2004; 10:13 PM}
- I put up the About Page. Now you can learn about nothingness!

[]{Monday, January 26, 2004; Earlier}
- The site is up. I guess that is it. No pages other than this one. I have Links, a button for you to put on your site to promote my poo (although not coded) and means of contacting me.

Copyright Crap

MILK BOWL�54 & �2002, 2003, 2004. Twisted Monx �1999-2004. All rights reserved.